New laws, new opportunities

HVO100 sets new standards for reducing emissions in transport

The fuel HVO, derived from plant and animal waste, is gaining increasing importance for decarbonizing the transportation sector. With the recent legislative changes for paraffinic diesel fuels, new opportunities are opening up for the DS Group: we can now offer our customers the up to 90% CO2-neutral fuel at our gas stations and already at our warehouse in Bremen.

In the following article, we provide information about the production, benefits, and sustainability aspects of HVO. Additionally, our energy division's executives provide insights into the planned conversion of gas stations and fleets in the DS Group, as well as forward-thinking strategies for climate-neutral energy supply in the transportation sector.

Various terms are used to describe different types of fuels:

  • Paraffinic diesel fuels (XTL: X to Liquid) can be synthesized (e.g., from natural gas / Gas to Liquid), from electricity (PtL: Power to Liquid), or from biogenic sources such as hydrotreated vegetable oils, including HVO100.

  • B10 diesel has a ten percent blend of biodiesel (manufacturer approval required).

  • B7 diesel has a seven percent blend of biodiesel.


Labels Kraftstoffe
Icon Motor

When burning fossil diesel or HVO in the engine, CO2 is produced.

CO2 in Atmosphäre

Plants absorb the CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis.

Icon Wald

This CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere.

Icon Kreislauf

In the production of HVO, plant waste is used as a raw material, thereby re-binding the absorbed CO2 and closing the loop.

How did the topic of HVO come to be addressed in the DS Group?

Christoph Avé-Lallemant (Managing Director, DS Energies Holding): Our goal is to supply our customers with all the necessary fuels while operating as climate-neutral as possible. Therefore, we responded to customer requests and are now preparing various gas stations to offer HVO. This is happening across the board at Lanfer Energie, DS card + drive, EMOVA, and Bischoff & Vielhauer, as well as in corresponding associations like tankpool24. We see this as an important customer demand, one we are happy to fulfill.

Holger Purbs (Proxy Holder, Lanfer Energie): Already by the turn of 2022/2023, we had inquiries from larger companies in the transportation, agriculture, and maritime sectors that were already exploring alternative fuels. Nowadays, we receive weekly inquiries from commercial customers and already offer products with pure HVO and blends (R33). In the commercial sector, the topic is prominent, while less so in the private sector.

How many gas stations of the DS Group will offer HVO in the future?

Holger Purbs: At Lanfer Energie, we plan to convert five gas stations. This requires technical adjustments, as the basic portfolio is intended to be retained. The project was temporarily postponed until the law was passed on April 13, 2024. Now we will reassess the situation.

Moritz Schröder (Managing Director, DS card + drive): At DS card + drive, the gas stations in Bremerhaven, Industriepark, Arsten, and Stuhr are already prepared for HVO. The first refueling in Wustermark took place on April 18, 2024. In addition, we have identified 25 key gas stations that we will convert. Often, we need to install new fuel pumps and tanks because we cannot rely on the diesel tanks. Some gas stations are so heavily utilized that there would be logistical problems if we were to reduce the diesel tank space. We plan according to demand and gradually expand the network. As part of the tankpool24 network, it is important for us to also motivate our partners to convert. For comprehensive coverage, we need 80 to 120 gas stations in Germany – anything less complicates supply for long-distance transport.