DS mineral oil

The independent business partner

The DS-Mineralöl GmbH has over 50 years experience as importer and distributor of mineral oil products.

The tank storage business is operated by WESER-PETROL Seehafentanklager GmbH & Co. KG. The service station company DS card+drive GmbH and their network partners from tankpool24 already offer their customers more than 800 fully automated petrol stations in Germany and abroad. The card+drive fuel card gives the customers an efficient and safe 24/7 refueling with intuitive operation and streamlined execution.

DS-Mineralöl GmbH
Management: Norbert Mikulla, Ian Petri

Phone +49 (0) 421 396 99 0
Fax +49 (0) 421 396 99 643


We are always looking for interesting partners or new impulses. So let’s talk.

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Energy supply in the Weser-Ems region

Lanfer Energie GmbH has been part of the DS Group since 2016. With its portfolio of heating, fuel and lubricants, filling stations, electricity and natural gas, Lanfer Energie serves end consumers and customers in agriculture, shipping, trade and industry.
The energy supplier in Bavaria and NRW is the Kreuzmayr Group. Kreuzmayr supplies customers with a wide range of products and operates numerous public and commercial filling stations. Since 2018, Kreuzmayr has been part of the DS Group in Bremen.